If you purchased your membership directly on our website less than 30 days ago, or if your membership has renewed within the past 90 days, and you'd like to cancel it and receive a refund, please submit a request by clicking below:
We'll process your request within 3 business days and send you an email confirmation once completed. Easy!
If you would like to cancel your membership auto-renewal:
- Log in to your paid account.
- Hover over the profile icon in the top-right corner and click 'My Info.'
- Click on 'Membership' – you will then be able to 'Edit Auto-Renewal Subscription'.
- If you do not see a link to 'Edit Auto-Renewal Subscription,' then you have already successfully disabled your auto-renewal.
Once your auto-renewal is cancelled, your membership will expire on the end date and your account won't be charged again.